Georgina Green - Book Coach for New Novelists

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Feedback Without the Freak Out Part 1: Fixed &amp; Growth Mindsets</a>

Book Coaching, Editing Your Novel, Fear Of Feedback, Feedback Without The Freak Out, Growth Mindset, Resilient Writers, Revise Your Novel, Revision

This is the first in a short series of informal videos on 'fear of feedback'.  I'm leaning on my growth mindset and trusting that I will improve my confidence on camera with practice!

If you're ready to get feedback on your writing my 'Brave New Beginnings' package is a great place to start.

See Part 2: Feedback isn't a Value Judgement, here.

and Part 3: Feedback is just the Start of a Conversation, here.

Remember you can turn on the captions on the video if you like by clicking the little cc button that appears when you hover over the video.

 And, (after you've watched my chat in the video at the top of this page) if Carol Dweck's research interests you, check out her TED talk:

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