Feedback Without the Freak Out Part 1: Fixed & Growth Mindsets</a>
Book Coaching, Editing Your Novel, Fear Of Feedback, Feedback Without The Freak Out, Growth Mindset, Resilient Writers, Revise Your Novel, Revision
This is the first in a short series of informal videos on 'fear of feedback'. I'm leaning on my growth mindset and trusting that I will improve my confidence on camera with practice!
If you're ready to get feedback on your writing my 'Brave New Beginnings' package is a great place to start.
See Part 2: Feedback isn't a Value Judgement, here.
and Part 3: Feedback is just the Start of a Conversation, here.
Remember you can turn on the captions on the video if you like by clicking the little cc button that appears when you hover over the video.