Georgina Green Georgina Green

Filter Phrases

Filter phrases subtly increase a reader’s sense of narrative or psychic distance -in other words, the extent to which they feel they are ‘one’ with a character.

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Create A Writing Practice Georgina Green Create A Writing Practice Georgina Green

Create a Writing Practice with The Write Towards Spring Challenge

The intention of Write Towards Spring is to help us all continue or establish a near-daily writing practice, with softness and in sync with the season that we’re in: Winter. Thirty minutes a day of doing something to support your writing life; it could be learning, freewriting, plotting, reading, adding words to your draft, going on an artist's date. You could choose to create your own rules, deciding what you want to prioritize.

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Georgina Green Georgina Green

Feedback Without the Freak Out Part 2: Feedback is not about judging

The second in an informal video series discussing fear of feedback. I am pushing on with my growth mindset once again, and speaking to you through the camera is already getting easier! In this video I discuss how great feedback is about a gentle back and forth, not about an assessment of value. It's about communication, connection.

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Ellie McBride Ellie McBride

How to use an ideal reader to identify the market for your novel without feeling like you’re selling out

Earlier this year I met with Paul. Paul wanted me to read his book in order to get some guidance on how to present it to agents. He wanted to know what genre I thought it was, who it would be marketed to, and how to describe it in a query letter.

But when we got together after I’d read his manuscript, as we got talking about who he imagined loving his book it seemed that a different conversation needed to happen.

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Georgina Green Georgina Green

When your readers are confused…

This article is for you if you’ve ever got feedback on your work using terms like ‘This wasn’t clear’ ‘I was confused’ ‘I was lost’ ‘why did x character do this?’ or simply basic questions about what was happening in your story.

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Georgina Green Georgina Green

Who are you to write this book? 7 Journaling Prompts

Whether you’re creating your online platform or writing a query letter; at some point, you need to say something about the author behind the book. But one of the reasons many writers find the querying process so daunting is the horrible suspicion that they themselves are not what the industry is looking for.

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Georgina Green Georgina Green

How to Use Storytelling in your Query Letter to Get Your Manuscript in front of Agents

Once you decide to submit, you also have to decide to rise above the noise. The good news is you can learn how to write a query letter with the power to do this for you. You're a writer, this is your skill.

We are facing unprecedented levels of competition to get an agent. Since e-querying became the norm, your query became akin to the spam we all see in our own inboxes. You can no longer rely on a professional tone alone to stand out and get your manuscript in front of agents. 

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Craft Georgina Green Craft Georgina Green

How to write a query letter (without hating it) - Part 1

When I became a mother for the first time I experienced this bittersweet and terrifying emotion of vulnerability. I read a quote somewhere on facebook by Elizabeth Stone that captured it perfectly:

“Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ”

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Craft Georgina Green Craft Georgina Green

How to use Interiority to write a compelling novel

Is there any better feeling than reading a book which completely transports you into another person's mind? As you read the closing pages you feel like by finishing the novel you are losing a friend, a lover or even a part of yourself, an identity that will always be a little part of you.

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